Saturday, April 26, 2008

Shaken faith

When the air was filled with thick black smoke,
The breathing ceased with a sudden stroke
Of insidious death hanging in the air-
Everyone was lost at the loss with despair.
A strange smell prevailed as they'd degenerate-
The long-cherish values or deeply-held faith.
Was it purity, chastity or the innocence?
Or why would life be sold for six-seven pence?
A smile on the man's face caused him a wrinkle,
When he tried to add joy to life and sprinkle
Flavour best known to arouse feelings during a kiss,
But soon love died a farcical death with a hiss.
A tired expression now shown on the face of man
As if he lost his way or lost touch with his clan,
Or was he just regaining the breath so lost
In fighting battles that yielded the ultimate cost.
Ah, everyone seemed to run amuck, everyone unknown,
As if there was an upheavel or some apparition shown.
He was sad over the mad race they all had taken,
He knew in his heart the faith had been shaken.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

A tribute to books

'To the world of words'

I want to live in the worlds
The writer creates with words.
I crave for those rare times
I can spend with rhymes.

I love to see colours in black and white.
Real people in the darkness of night.
The small details of big scandals
The intricacies of entangled bundles.

A twist in the story i'd never imagine,
Is like making love when you still are a virgin;
And words speeding on mind's slippery track,
Sound like inebriation with the dose of smack.

It's all there, your desires, your dreams,
You always flow with the current of unknown streams
There is never an end even when words stop.
The story may end but there is no full stop.

I love the times i have spent with the books i have read. I take a little longer to finish a book, but i use this time to digest all the ingredients of the dish served by the recipe a writer has to offer. I think its not just about how a particular dish tastes, it s also about how you digest it.